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Reminder About The Importance Of Daily/Weekly Gym Floor Maintenance

September 20, 2023

As you begin the school year, and your gym floors are being used for much more than just game night it is very important to keep the surface clean and ready for competition. A clean floor is a safe floor, and the safety of your athletes is a high priority for you all. I want to make you aware of some tools we at The Ohio Floor have made available to you. On our website,, there are a few videos you can review and share with your maintenance staff that gives best practices on keeping your gym floor clean and safe.

We are also just a phone call away; we are happy to talk with you about any concerns that you may have on the performance of your gym floor. If any problems arise throughout the year, we encourage you to use us as a tool in solving your issues. A highly knowledgeable gym floor expert can answer any question/concern that come up.

A good floor cleaning routine will go a long way to protecting both your gym floor and the athletes that use it every day.