Our portable flooring division deals in both new, used, and rental portable floor systems. We can provide the physical floor system along with sanding, painting lines, applying graphics, and finishing your floor. We also have the ability to store your floor when not in use, provide you with yearly maintenance, and get the floor back to you when your next season starts.
QuickLock Classic is the main portable floor system we recommend. The system is made up of floor panels with continuous steel tongues that are locked in place with a fusion pin. The panels are constructed with a laminated sleeper system under a full subfloor frame. High impact polyethylene groove sections are used to receive the steel tongues allowing the system to hold up to the removal and reinstallation process. The sub-floor panels are topped with 25/32” x 2-14” maple flooring.
QuickLock Fusion is identical to QuickLock Classic except for one small but important change. The difference between the two systems is that in a QuickLock Fusion floor system the fusion pin is permanently attached to the steel tongue. This is very helpful in the facility changeover process for a few reasons:
1. It removes the possibility of lost fusion pins.
2. Not having to insert the fusion pins reduces the time it takes for facility changeovers, saving time and money each time the floor is installed.