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Permanent commercial gym flooring at Ohio State


Hardwood is the traditional choice for commercial gym flooring, providing a high performance solution that can be reconditioned every year in order to outlast other types of flooring. We specialize in installing premium hardwood gym floors throughout Ohio and surrounding areas, delivering flooring solutions designed for durability, safety, and top-tier performance.

There are many floor systems on the market and The Ohio Floor Company can provide you with almost any of them. We are a company that can provide the physical floor system as well as the sanding, painting of lines and graphics, and finishing of your floor. We have broken the wood floor systems into four categories: Floating, Anchored Resilient, Anchored Resilient High Performance, and Specialty Floor Systems. Each system has its own advantages and purpose.  Check them out to find the system that best fits your needs.


Rezill panel

rezill panel

REZILLPANEL is a floating system. The system is comprised of two layers of plywood resting on Rezill Pads, with a layer of maple flooring on top. The Rezill Pads give the floor a cushioned feel, and excellent resilient life and load. This system has two options of Rezill Pads, 7/16” (11mm) Multiflex or ¾” (19mm) Rezill Pads.

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Construction Drawing



NEOSHOK is a floating system. The system is comprised of two layers of plywood resting on Polyurethane NeoShok Pads, with a layer of maple flooring on top. NeoShok Pads have a two stage design making them responsive to both light and aggressive loads. The quick response contact point creates an excellent resilient load performance.

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Construction Drawing

Anchored Resilient

Anchored Rezill Sleeper Din (Ars Din)

anchored rezill sleeper din

ARS DIN is an anchored system made up of a single layer of plywood on anchored plywood sleepers. Sleepers are anchored to concrete with a singular pinned anchor with an anti-squeak collar. Sleepers rest on Rezill Pads for excellent resilient life and load. This system provides the ability to adjust profile height to meet retrofit dimensions without compromising athletic performance values.

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Construction Drawing

Rezill Base

Rezill Base is an anchored system that gives you a lot of flexibility. You have options: Slotted or Full Surface Subfloor, Resilient Padding, Steel Drive Pins, or Flanged Steel Channel Anchoring. The Rezill Base system allows you to get what you need out of your flooring system without the unwanted features, helping to keep your costs down. All while not sacrificing performance.

Construction Drawing


RP221 is an anchored resilient system. The system is comprised of a sheet of plywood, resilient pad, 16-gauge plate and rubber bushing around concrete anchor, and solid blocking around edges.

Construction Drawing

Anchored Resilient High Performance


vip 2

VIP II is an anchored resilient high-performance system. The system is comprised of a pre-assembled 2-layer plywood sub floor, with two-stage athletic response ridge, Eidson F8 Resilient Pads, and Eidson CB Vibration Control Pads.

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Construction Drawing



FOCUS is an anchored resilient high-performance system. The system is comprised of a pre-assembled plywood sub floor with lineal pads and solid blocking. Heavy-duty Sectional channel anchorage is the method used with this system. Built in protective resilient pad housing ensures the lineal two stage pad performance.

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